Life Verse

verse Big

Like i said before I want to please God in every area of my life.

Lets take a deeper look at this verse…

First “these words,” Words are so powerful and we need to really grasp that concept. God created the world with His words. Everything that comes out of our mouth should be pleasing to Him.

Second, “meditation” our private thoughts. This is a hard prayer to say because we are asking God to examine our heart, the things that nobody knows, except Him.

The phrase that I often read over is “in your sight”

It doesn’t say “pleasing to your ear” it says “pleasing in your sight.” God sees pictures when we speak. We should also see images of the things we are praying for. God gave us an imagination and we need to use it.

So when you pray, see what you are praying for!

The last part “Lord, my Rock and My Redeemer” is a reminder that we can’t do anything without Him in our lives.

One thought on “Life Verse

  1. Xochil, I am soooo very proud and excited for (and with) you! You, my friend, truly are a ‘Mood Setter’ and I pray that God will use this blog to continue your growth in Him, to inspire other women to become MoodSetters as well.
    God’s Blessings to you and your family!

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